The Provincial Grand Marshal calls the Sir Knights to Order and led by the Provincial Deputy Grand Marshal the column enters and comes to halt before the altar and turns inwards. The Provincial Grand Sword Bearer continues through the column and stands at the head of the right-hand file. The Right Worthy Grand Preceptor follows the Sword Bearer and goes to his seat. The Provincial Grand Banner Bearer follows the Right Worthy Grand Preceptor and stands at the head of the left-hand file.
The Provincial Grand Marshal then orders the Sword Bearer and Banner Bearer to “Take Post” This they do by placing the sword and banner in their respective stands, which are placed to the left and behind the altar.
The Provincial Grand Marshal will then instruct the Provincial Grand Officers to fold through the column and to their seats. When everyone is in place the Provincial Grand Marshal will give the order for the Sir Knights to be seated.
When the Right Worthy Grand Preceptor is not in attendance at any meeting, the Provincial Sword and Provincial Banner will not be paraded.
If present the Provincial Sword Bearer and Provincial Banner Bearer may form part of the procession in the order of their seniority in the Province.
(Not as an escort the Right Worthy Grand Preceptor.)
Should an Executive member of the Province be deputed to represent the Right Worthy Grand Preceptor at a meeting, the Worthy Master of the Chapel must not proffer his Chapel baton to that Executive member. He is not entitled to receive it. A few word of welcome will suffice.
Active Provincial Officers are expected to set the standards and act as examples within the Province. You are therefore required to be properly robed, in the Regalia of the Order, at all times when attending Chapels. The Senior Active Provincial Officer present will give greetings from the Province during the Second Rising.
In addition to the Executive Officers of the Province, the Provincial Grand Sword Bearer and the Provincial Grand Banner Bearer will notify the Provincial Grand Marshal of their attendance/non attendance at Installation and Provincial Meetings.
All Provincial Officers if attending an Installation Meeting will inform the Secretary of the Chapel, as early as possible, by telephone or e-mail of their attendance and dining requirements.
As you may be called upon to assist Chapels, by acting in an office, ensure you are conversant with the ritual and requirements of the various posts that you may be called upon, so as not to be found wanting and to give a good account of yourself.
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